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Promote Your Event!

Advertising Rates
Download Rate Card Here

Weekly Banner Ad......Weekly rate $200

(Buy 4 or more ads and save 25%)
Family Fun Day Trips...Annual Rate $500
Friends of LKC............Annual Rate $500

Contact us for
Advertising Opportunities

Thank you for contacting us about advertising in The Lawrence Kids Calendar. We will be back in touch with you within 24 hours.

Details and Examples

Click here to download a PDF version of the rate card

1.  WEEKLY BANNER AD – Weekly Rate $200

Ad appears in the weekly Lawrence Kids Calendar email to families in Douglas County and appears for one week on the LKC website.  Both feature a link to your event’s web page.

The weekly emails are sent on Sunday evening listing events for the coming week.

Ad Example








Image dimensions - 784 pixels x 295 pixels

Save 25% with ad purchases totaling $600 or more.

(for example, purchase 4 ads for the price of 3!

Ads need not run for consecutive weeks but must run within one year of purchase.)


3.  FAMILY DAY TRIPS - Annual Rate $500

Logo appears in the weekly Lawrence Kids Calendar email and LKC Website and includes a link to your website.  

Ad Example

Image dimensions - 300 pixels x 300 pixels


Logo appears in the weekly Lawrence Kids Calendar email and LKC website and includes a link to your website.

Ad Example

Image dimensions - 300 pixels x 300 pixels


square_Kurt Goeser.png

©2023 by Lawrence Kids Calendar, a Service Project of Lawrence Central Rotary. Site Design by Brooks Visual Marketing

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