Promote Your Event!
Advertising Rates
Download Rate Card Here
Weekly Banner Ad......Weekly rate $200
(Buy 4 or more ads and save 25%)
Family Fun Day Trips...Annual Rate $500
Friends of LKC............Annual Rate $500
Details and Examples
Click here to download a PDF version of the rate card
1. WEEKLY BANNER AD – Weekly Rate $200
Ad appears in the weekly Lawrence Kids Calendar email to families in Douglas County and appears for one week on the LKC website. Both feature a link to your event’s web page.
The weekly emails are sent on Sunday evening listing events for the coming week.
Ad Example
Image dimensions - 784 pixels x 295 pixels
Save 25% with ad purchases totaling $600 or more.
(for example, purchase 4 ads for the price of 3!
Ads need not run for consecutive weeks but must run within one year of purchase.)
3. FAMILY DAY TRIPS - Annual Rate $500
Logo appears in the weekly Lawrence Kids Calendar email and LKC Website and includes a link to your website.
Ad Example
Image dimensions - 300 pixels x 300 pixels
Logo appears in the weekly Lawrence Kids Calendar email and LKC website and includes a link to your website.
Ad Example
Image dimensions - 300 pixels x 300 pixels